The New Era of Business Software and Reporting

The New Era of Business Software and Reporting

When you hear “business software” or “reporting” You may imagine binders stuffed with charts, spreadsheets, and footnotes. Or maybe conference rooms packed with executives grinding through slides. What’s missing in these images is the opportunity to create value for the business.

This is changing because of some of the digital technologies that are shaping the future of reporting. Machine learning and cognitive tools will be able to take over a lot of the grunt work of gathering data, making reports, and disseminating reports. That leaves human workers free to do more exciting things.

Utilization-based pricing is a different way to assist teams to gain the benefits of their current data faster and more effectively. This method lets companies better match the value of data with their spending, by reducing cost to access it.

To be successful in the Age of Connected Work, software companies must reconsider the principles that underpin the way they design, build, distribute and charge for their products. In the new era, the winners will redefine what it means to be a product-driven company in the truest meaning of the word. They’ll use their products to help drive customers’ acquisition, retention, and expansion. This will require a re-evaluation of strategic focus and a desire to expand “as-a service” offerings beyond fees for membership. It will also require the incorporation of PLG principles into the way they develop, design, and deliver their products. To stay ahead of their competitors companies must build a complete ecosystem that includes strategy, stewardship and architecture, along with governance, which will make use of data.

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